LUKS Encryption Cheat Sheet
Install and create partition
Install on a Debian based system
apt-get install cryptsetup
Install on a Red Hat based system
yum install cryptsetup
Creating a new LUKS partition
cryptsetup -y -v luksFormat /dev/$DEVICE
Key management
Generate 4096-bit random key file
head -c 512 /dev/random > KEYFILE
Add a key file to next free key slot. This will prompt for a passphrase. You can have up to 8 slots.
cryptsetup luksAddKey /dev/$DEVICE KEYFILE
Add a key file to specific key slot, e.g slot 7
cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-slot 7 /dev/$DEVICE KEYFILE
View key slots (use | grep Slot
if needed)
cryptsetup luksDump /dev/$DEVICE
Remove key from key slot. Enter pasphrase or specify key file to remove. The slot will automatically be detected and slot key removed.
cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/$DEVICE
cryptsetup luksRemoveKey /dev/$DEVICE KEYFILE
Mapping, mounting, formatting
Map the partition to /dev/$MAP
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/$DEVICE $MAP
Map partition using a key file, no need to specify key slot
cryptsetup luksOpen --key-file KEYFILE /dev/$DEVICE $MAP
View status of the map
cryptsetup -v status $MAP
Zero the partition prior to formatting
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/mapper/$MAP status=progress
Alternate method of zeroing
dd_rescue -w /dev/zero /dev/mapper/$MAP
Format LUKS partition
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/$MAP
cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/$DEVICE $MAP
mkdir -p /mnt/$MAP
mount /dev/mapper/$MAP /mnt/$MAP
Unmount and finish up
umount /mnt/$MAP
Unmap the LUKS partition
cryptsetup luksClose $MAP